'Live life like a Champ': Family remembers Utah teen who died in dirt bike accident – FOX 13 News Utah
Title: Remembering a Utah Teen Who Lived Life with Courage A family in Utah fondly remembers their teen, who lived life with bravery and spirit. Despite a tragic dirt bike accident, the memory of their beloved champ lives on. [Read more at FOX 13 News Utah](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxNMzQ2ZzdBaHVMV0hQa3p0ZlpwMGVmbHdWOXlOUTEtXzI0aERtUTdiVTIxbk9QaGp6WGRQWm9UUHFzV0I5SGh4allPcE9yTjQ0cHl6Z2dHanhsZnp0Y1ZnRUw1d21RRFkzd19lLTUwQnpBZEdTSXYyazFVNjNRNmVkbGtYbWVEYWZkb2ZYOTRkM2tKNEgtUTFRbGJnc19zMTNNbXU4dHM5WjNIWFRBby11c2Z4X0l6alN5N09Uc0d3?oc=5)