
Five years ago in September, my son Mitchel was a beloved college student, a standout hockey goaltender, and an accomplished salesperson who had recently broken records selling Cutco knives. As he stood accepting an award for his exceptional sales performance, Mitchel inspired the audience with his words: “Dream big. Impact lives. Change the world.” Those very words are now etched on his tombstone, a poignant reminder of his enduring legacy. Tragically, just two months after his inspiring speech, Mitchel’s promising life was cut short in a car accident caused by a distracted driver when he was only 18 years old.

On September 19, 2016, Mitchel was driving back to Michigan State University after a weekend at home watching a Detroit Lions game. Despite clear skies and dry roads, a moment of distraction proved fatal as he slowed for traffic, only to be rear-ended at a high speed of 82 mph. The impact catapulted Mitchel’s vehicle across the highway median and into oncoming traffic, where he was struck by a truck, leading to his untimely death.

In the wake of this heartbreaking loss, my family established the Kiefer Foundation to combat distracted driving through education, technology, and advocacy. As we mark the five-year anniversary of Mitchel’s passing, the foundation has united with a coalition of safety advocates to form the National Distracted Driving Coalition. Together, we are dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and pushing for legislative changes to prevent such tragedies.

In a recent press conference with the National Transportation Safety Board Vice Chairman Bruce Landsberg, the coalition pledged to educate the public on the perils of distracted driving and lobby policymakers at both the federal and state levels for stricter measures. In Michigan, where I serve as the leader of General Motors International, our foundation is advocating for a bipartisan bill that would empower law enforcement to address distracted driving as a primary offense, similar to existing laws for seat belt violations.

Despite the urgency of this issue and the staggering number of lives lost to distracted driving daily, progress toward stronger regulations often lags. However, we cannot afford to wait, as each day of inaction translates to more preventable tragedies on our roads. The enduring pain of losing Mitchel spurs us to redouble our efforts to create a safer driving environment for all.

Reflecting on the devastating moment when I learned of Mitchel’s passing, I vividly recall the phone call from my daughter Julianna, her voice choked with tears and panic. The news was incomprehensible – Mitchel, my son, gone in an instant. The subsequent confirmation by law enforcement shattered our family, leaving us in disbelief and grief.

In memory of Mitchel and countless others impacted by distracted driving, the Kiefer Foundation stands with a sense of urgency and a resolute call to action. Let us honor Mitchel’s spirit and the lives lost needlessly by advocating for change, striving to make our roads safer, and building a legacy of impact that transcends tragedy.

Steve Kiefer is the founder of The Kiefer Foundation and serves as the president of General Motors International.